Upcoming and past events

with 3D'omics participation

30 Sep - 2 Oct 2024

3D'omics organised: 
5th 3D'omics General Assembly (Vienna)

The 3D'omics partners gathered again in autumn - this time in beautiful Vienna! This meeting aligned with the second reporting period of the project. What better time to discuss progress and results? 3D'omics is getting ready to share results with the public - stay tuned!

17 Sep 2024

Communicating the work conducted at 3D'omics, Project Coordinator Antton Alberdi gave a talk at the final conference of the EU's H2020 CIRCLES Project - Unlocking the potential of microbiomes for sustainable food production. This event signified the culmination of years of rigorous research and collaboration among researchers from all over Europe.

10 Sep 2024

Coordinator's Impact Day (KU, Copenhagen)

The university of Copenhagen organised the first 'Coordinator's Impact Day' in order to highlight all the impressive collaborative EU projects run at Copenhagen University. Of course 3D'omics was there and coordinator Antton Alberdi presented us well. What a great project to be a part of!

1-5 Sep 2024

75th EAAP Annual Meeting (Florence)

Lisanne Verschuren (NOR-Topigs) attended the 75th meeting of the European Association for Animal Production and presented 3D'omics results. The Meeting covered various areas of knowledge related to animal science, such as genetics, nutrition, physiology, animal health and welfare, precision livestock farming, horses, pigs, insects, livestock farming, cattle, sheep, and goat.

26-28 Aug 2024

4th Nordic Metabolomics Conference (Turku, Finnland)

Topi Meuronen (ATL) proudly presented his work within 3D'omics as a poster at the fourth Nordic Metabolomics Conference (NMetC2024) in Finnland. The conference theme was celebrating the strength and depth of metabolomics in the Nordics.

18-23 Aug 2024

ISME19 - Symposium (Cape Town, South Africa)

Jenny Merkesvik (NMBU) attended the 19th International Symposium on Microbial Ecology in August, represented 3D'omics, and shared first results from her work on the project.

30 Jun - 2 Jul 2024

3D'omics co-organised:
Applied HoloGenomics Conference 2024 (Copenhagen)

The objective of the Applied HoloGenomics Conference 2024 was to highlight novel approaches that aim at understanding the interactions of plant and animal hosts with their associated microbial communities. Among the nearly 200 participants were several 3D'omics partners, who also presented at the conference. 

19 Jun 2024

3D'omics organised: 2nd Midterm Meeting (digital)

3D'omics is starting to produce the first very exciting results. So in June, the 3D'omics consortium got together and shared the newest developments. Plans for the last year and a half of the project were also made. End spurt!

14-17 May 2024

Food System Microbiomes - Conference, Torino, Italy

The Food System Microbiomes 2024 International Conference is organized as part of the newly founded MicrobiomeSupport Association, which aims to further increase the awareness of food system microbiomes across different stakeholder groups, and this scientific conference is one of the planned activities of the new association. 3D'omics coordinator Antton Alberdi (UCPH) and Søren Sørensen (UCPH) gave fantastic talks, introducing 3D'omics to an excited audience.

12-17 May 2024

Advanced fluorescence imaging techniques - EMBL Course (Heidelberg)

Bryan Wang (UCPH) attended this exciting EMBL course, which covered advanced light microscopy and techniques how to derive qualitative and quantitative insights on molecular mechanisms in cells and developing organisms.

18-21 Mar 2024

Bioinformatics for Microbial Omics - de.NBI Spring School 2024 (Bielefeld)

Luiz Boges (MDC) participated in the de.NBI bioinformatics workshop. He received training in new bioinformatic methods in the field of Omics data analysis for microbes, which are at the heart of 3D'omics.

13-14 Mar 2024

3D'omics organised:
4th 3D'omics General Assembly (digital)

The fourth General Assembly allowed for the 3D'omics consortium to get together for joint decision making, timeline realignment, and project trajectory assessment. First exciting results were shared and discussed!

18 Jan 2024

Ecology & Cocktails - Phd organised outreach event at Copenhagen University

Bryan Wang (UCPH) introduced 3D'omics during a PhD-orgainsed outreach session designed to bridge the gap between the world of ecological research and the world of social gatherings, thus encouraging inter-departmental collaboration in the field of ecology.

17 Jan 2024

3D'omics organised: Mid-term Meeting (digital)

The 3D'omics consortium got together and started the new year with a cosy catch up on the newest developments

9-10 Mar 2023

3D'omics organised: General Assembly in Barcelona, Spain

Hosted by CNAG, this 2nd GA brought the whole 3D'omics consortium together right after the end of the first reporting period of the project.

20-21 May 2023

Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics - Symposium (Copenhagen)

The CEH in collaboration with Penn State University’s One Health Microbiome Center hosted a two-day symposium on “Holobionts and Hologenomics: past, present and future” with 20 international colleagues from all over the world. 3D'omics was represented by Antton Alberdi (UCPH).

16 Jun 2023

National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University - Seminar (Taipei)

Bryan Wang (UCPH) gave an invited talk at at the National Yang Ming Chiao Tung University (Taipei, Taiwan) and introduced 3D’Omics at the Institute of Oral Biology.

27 Jun 2023

World Microbiome Day

3D'omics used the World Microbiome Day to introduce some of our researchers via our social media channels and spread the word about the interesting host-microbiome interactions we study on a micro-scale. 

26-30 Jun 2023

BAGECO 2023 - Symposium (Copenhagen)

16th symposium on Bacterial Genetics and Ecology: “Interactions Across Microbial Ecosystems”. 3D'omics was represented by Itzhak Mizrahi (BGU), Andi Erega (ETH), Søren J. Sørensen, Urvish Trivedi, Bryan Wang, Carlotta Pietroni, and Ella Lattenkamp (UCPH)

19 Sep 2023

The HoloRuminant Joint Dissemination Network organised its first-ever webinar series in September (click here to watch on YouTube). Bringing together five European research projects, the JDN is working to reduce livestock production’s environmental and climate impact while also improving animal health, genetic diversity, and sustainability. 3D'omics was represented by Antton Alberdi (UCPH), Bryan Wang (UCPH), Jenny Merkesvik (NMBU), and Victoria Drauch (UVM). 

20-23 Sep 2023

Human Microbiome - EMBO | EMBL Symposium (Heidelberg)

Human microbiota – the collection of microbes living in and on our body – have a significant impact on human health and well-being, yet we are still far from understanding their role in the context of lifestyle and genetics.
3D'omics was represented by Annelies Geirnaert (ETH).

25-27 Sep 2023

3D'omics organised: General Assembly in Ås, Norway

Hosted by NMBU, the 3rd General Assembly of the 3D'omics Consortium was held in September 2023 at the beautiful Vitenparken Campus in Ås, Norway.

28 Sep 2023

SIMBA - Final Symposium (Copenhagen)

SIMBA is a Horizon 2020 funded project which aims to provide innovative microbiome solutions to improve European food security and nutrition, and help address key societal challenges. 3D'omics was represented by Søren Sørensen, Antton Alberdi, and Ella Lattenkamp (UCPH).

13 Oct 2023

Culture Night / Kulturnatten (Copenhagen)

For more than 30 years, Culture Night has been one of Copenhagen's most well-attended cultural events. "Future foods and microbe heroes" was this years theme of the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics. 3D'omics was represented by Ella Lattenkamp and Raphael Eisenhofer (UCPH).

13 Nov 2023

Danish Microbiological Society - Annual congress (Copenhagen)

The Danish Microbiological Society is a scientific society for microbiologists in Denmark, which is concerned with all fields of microbiology. At the annual DMS congress 3D'omics was represented by Søren Sørensen, Urvish Trivedi, Zoe Horisberger, and Bryan Wang (UCPH).

4-5 Dec 2023

FOOD 2030  - Conference (Brussels)

On December 4-5 of 2023, the European Commission organised a conference in Brussels entitled “Food 2030: green and resilient food systems” to showcase achievements of EU food systems related projects, explore future research and innovation orientations, and levers of change. 3D'omics coordinator Antton Alberdi (UCPH) gave a talk and participated in the panel discussion "Thinking out of the box". 

14 Oct 2022

Culture Night / Kulturnatten (Copenhagen)

For more than 30 years, Culture Night has been one of Copenhagen's most well-attended cultural events. "The microbes you can't live without" was this years theme of the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics. 3D'omics was presented by Ana Verissimo (UCPH) and a number of microbiome themed cookies.

13-15 Sep 2022

1st Applied HoloGenomics - Conference (Bilbao)

The objective of the Applied HoloGenomics Conference was to highlight novel approaches that aim at understanding the interactions of plant and animal hosts with their associated microbial communities. Representatives of all 3D'omics partners attended the conference.

12-13 Sep 2022

3D'omics organised: General Assembly in Bilbao, Spain

This first in-person GA of the project was organised in parallel with the 1st Applied HoloGenomics Conference allowing for additional networking opportunities.

26-29 Jun 2022

Microbiome Support - Final Conference (Brussels)

MicrobiomeSupport held its final event in form of a 3-day high-level conference around the theme “Paving the Microbiome Way for Improved Food Systems”. 3D'omics was presented by Antton Alberdi (UCPH).       

27 Oct 2021

FindingPheno - Stakeholder Synergy Meeting (Copenhagen)

The first external FindingPheno meeting helped to facilitate knowledge sharing across the research community and was an important networking opportunity for all attendees. 3D'omics was represented by Antton Alberdi, Urvish Trivedi, and Ana Verissimo (UCPH).

30 Nov 2021

3D'omics organised: Online Project Presentation

This online event introduced the 3D'omics project aims, the consortium, and the progress outline for the next four exciting years.