Outreach & Project Videos

The 3D'omics partners participate and actively support local, national, and international scientific outreach initiatives, in which the importance of microorganisms in a scientific and applied context is explained to the general public.

3D'omics participates for example in annual outreach activities organised by the European Commission, such as the “World Microbiome Day” events, “Research & Innovation days”, and similar. In addition, all academic beneficiaries have active public outreach platforms to which 3D'omics also contributes. 

We communicate 3D'omics participation and presence via our social media channels, so please follow us for updates!

3D'omics Project Videos

What is the 3D'omics project?

In this first official explainer video, in which we introduce the 3D'omics H2020 project and its aims.

How the H2020 3D'omics project came about / meet the partners

3D'omics project online presentation 

Introduction to 3D'omics on the CEH podcast 

In this podcast episode of the Center for Evolutionary Hologenomics (UCPH), Associate Professor Antton Alberdi gives an overview about what it takes to write such a monumental project application, as well as what the project is actually about.